2020 DECADE REMNANT - God will put you back together in front of the people who broke you... so stop worrying because worry just rots your insides AND stop weeping over what is lost for God will bless what is left... start living with your divine strength, faith and power! Much Love, Theresa - 777



SENIORS... "And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing." GOD. Genesis 12:2


ORPHANS... "Open thy mouth, judge righteously, and plead the cause of the poor and needy." GOD. Proverbs 31:9




VETERANS - on the wings of eagles..."A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand; but no harm shall come nigh thee." God. Psalms 91:7


2021... BE THE GOOD for one person in this old world... then watch the good change reaction that follows... much love, Theresa ~777


2020... BE THE CHANGE! Be the good in this old world... be the one good person who causes good change. ~777

BE THE CHANGE in 2020!

BE THE CHANGE in 2020!
2019 - IMAGINE THIS... What if? you stepped outside of your comfort zone and helped address a growing concern of Homelessness on Campus by giving a college kid a home!


In 2018

IN 2018... be the same kind of different as me... see the difference YOU can make in a life this year!

IN 2018 - be the same kind of different as me...see the difference YOU can make in a life this year!

2017 - Are you still helping families - mothers and their children - in your hood? REMEMBER... God created you for a reason, so go do something about this!

2017 - Are you still helping those families in your hood?

2017 - Are you still helping those families in your hood?


2016 - HOMELESS FAMILY in Oregon, USA... HOW OFTEN do you help a family in your hood?

2016 - HOMELESS FAMILY in Oregon, USA.

2016 - HOMELESS FAMILY in Oregon, USA.

2016 - ALEX and RJ

2016 - ALEX and RJ - HOW OFTEN do you see homeless twenty-something-year-olds wandering a bit lost in your world? ...and HOW OFTEN do you help them? (South Dakota - USA)

2016 - ALEX and RJ - how often do you see homeless twenty-something-year-olds lost in your world?

2016 - ALEX and RJ - how often do you see homeless twenty-something-year-olds lost in your world?



2015 - do you see children on the streets like this too? If so... what are you doing for them?

2015 - do you see children on the streets like this too? If so... what are you doing for them?


"If we want to live in a good world, then we must help make it that kind of world by our acts and prayers. If we want good will to reign, then we must see first that we are people of good will...." ~ Father Edward Joseph Flanagan, Founder of Boys Town (1886-1948) ~

HELPING THE HOMELESS: thank you for sending this video Mary... and God's blessings to all who view and share this news video for by doing so, you to are choosing to inspire humanity, too....

Let us not walk past people anymore...

Let us not walk past people anymore...
As a former Homeless Coordinator for the largest county and surrounding areas in my State, I have seen many touching photos of humanity-on-display like this one... and met the most honest of people living on our streets and poverty-stricken rural areas and reservations who always wore gratitude on their faces when someone would take the time to stop and acknowledge them, visit a bit, and listen, then help... even the smallest of kindnesses produced the most gratifulness on the faces of those who were in need of a lift up! Don't just walk past anymore... THANK YOU! God bless. Theresa

PART I: HOW TO WORK WITH CLIENTS? The importance of Continuum Care!

When working with people, one must love what they are doing. Whether a line worker, a department manager, sales person, teacher, or social worker... the occupational list is endless but one thing remains constant, ONE MUST LOVE WHAT THEY DO! Do you?

I've seen both sides of poverty now, which is why I work well amongst the poor and those working with the poor. When working with people in the social service realm, one must be of service-mind and after one has addressed the obvious issues and resolutions are found... then the competent communication exchanges move the relationship into Continuum Care mode.

More to come....

PART II: HOW TO WORK WITH CO-WORKERS? -- The importance of Self Care!

Your thoughts are both the words you hear in your head and the words you speak out loud. Your thoughts are a reflection of your attitude and values - both can be of fickle nature - which determine your behaviors and your actions before you actually take action.

Your thoughts and word choices are powerful. Does more negativity or positivity flow from your tongue?

All the while this internal communication process is going on, someone is observing you. Actions speak louder than words... what are your non-verbal thoughts saying to your co-workers?

More to come...


What fun to build a network! One can surf the different channels to network out while reaching shared goals and seeing positive results move forward the entire system in play! When creating opportunities for personnel empowerment and establishing agency-to-agency network links often results in the beneficial advancement of the entire system... the inclusive vision of pure network success! How is your network looking today?

More to come...

PART IV: HOW TO WORK WITH STUDENT INTERNS? -- The importance of Professionalism!

PART V: HOW TO WORK WITH VOLUNTEERS? -- The importance of Mentoring!


Message from the Founder....

WELCOME to Homeless 102! Thank you for visiting my teaching communication site today.

My name is Theresa, and I possess a good understanding of the various educational platforms, social service divisions, and diverse cultural systems operating within our country...yes, I'm well-seasoned! I have treaded through some of the poorest reservations, rural and urban areas including stops at AIDS Houses and prisons where even my supervisors hadn’t walked… may be you can relate? I have filled various teaching roles in the education field, legal and caseworker roles in the social service field and know well the faces of the people these division serve – offender, victims, law enforcement personnel, mediators, lawyers, judges, parole officers - and the children who watch the whole process happen... may be you can relate? Currently, I reside in a state that has one of the highest poverty rates for women and children, and the Native American population. I’ve seen the faces of double victimization more often than I would like to in my state, reflecting poverty and hope simultaneously for someone to help them… may be you can relate? I know well how to advocate in the different social service arenas, negotiate compensations for the clients and consol their families, subpoenaed into child and family courts, and the corruption operating within our community and government systems when positively working to reconnect the infrastructures within, linking to available services, and opening doors for the homeless sub-populations offering empowerment to others who are at a highly vulnerable time in their lives so they can make choices, find some form of restitution, and return to a new normalcy while the restorative justice system retains valuable testimonies and together the agencies can work to prevent re-victimization… maybe you can relate? I know well the faces of poverty, consoled mothers in my arms as their children wrongfully taken, picked stoned people from gutters, and I openly share what I have experienced when in my classroom role as Professor and genuinely connect with my students and clients, often asked for by name to help with a need. Through my teaching and writing, I share traditional theories, real stories, and gained real-world knowledge from fieldwork and education so the next generation of leaders can benefit from my experiences for afterall, that is our job, to uplift the next generation so we all get better...often forgotten by those labeled authority, the wealthiest, or politican. In my at-home role as Parent I often share these work experiences too and now, I will share this professional knowledge through this new social media form – the blog – using five sections covering different areas and offering links to other resources, too! Also, I will share my students stories about their workplace experiences, their community volunteerism and mentoring opportunities enhancing this teaching platform… and together we will learn of the power behind collective hope and personal empowerment!

These words won’t always be pretty, in fact, when working with people a majority of the situations get messy, however regardless of the delivery platform — across a desk or kitchen table one-on-one, standing in a classroom or a courtroom, teaching online using new media or in-person at training workshops, speaking before larger audiences or in a locked-down prison education truly is the key to success in this world... for sharing information opens doors, a connection to being human. That is why I include education and communication components in all my work development strategies. May be you are a teacher, a new college graduate, seasoned worker, or a high school student just wanting to learn what it’s like to work on the edge of human life, where human dignity remains the most precious revelation... if so, you have clicked into the right social blog!

Take some time, and review this site which will be constantly under construction... and THANK YOU for stopping and as the weeks unfold, I hope some of this information works in your world! Remember, you are welcome to email to share applicable information and ideas on what works and what hasn't which I will post because people learn from one another and together find solutions regardless where one lives, their economic status, age, or skin color… since we're all in this together!

So again, WELCOME! I look forward to knowing you... and due to today's challenging world economy, PLEASE BE KIND and click on a few ads below the posts to help support this venture and earn a monetized blog penny or two; thank you!

Blessings on your journey....

Theresa Jensen - BS, MS

Theresa Jensen - BS, MS
Theresa Jensen - BS, MS

YOU are part of the inclusive solution....

YOU are part of the inclusive solution... "All of these instruments of international cooperation have their particular characteristics and comparative advantages. If governments, enterprises, and peoples really synchronized them all, multilateralism would truly show its value for the world and the people in it," Richard H. Stanley, The Stanley Foundation Chairman, said in his opening remarks at the 41st United Nations Issues Conference in March 2010. "The true test of multilateralism is whether it effectively solves problems and spreads peace, security, freedom, and justice to more of the world's people. And to do this, governments, diplomats, leaders, and citizens must mobilize and harmonize the characteristics and capacities of our diverse multilateral system. It seems clear that 21st-century multilateralism will be multi-multilateral." Read more provoking thoughts and encouraging dialogue in The Stanley Foundation Courier.

"It's a girl...."

"It's a girl...."
Check out and share:

Voices for Our City Choir!

Voices for Our City Choir!
See what California is doing... you can do this too!

God's Love We Deliver!

God's Love We Deliver!
Check out NYC's can do this too!


How one simple kindness can affect the greater good...!
Helping homeless teens... together, so nice to be part of the solution! - REACH OUT WORLDWIDE - you can make a difference!


Drawing upon the voices of cultural leaders to protect and assist the vulnerable, marginalized and displaced. Click on the photo to learn more about the needs and resources around the world....
Click on the photo to review the issues, who is in need, and how to get involved...ONE can make a difference! - INFORMATION THAT MATTERS... pass it on!

UNITED NATIONS - It's Your World!

UNITED NATIONS - It's Your World!
NO EXCUSES ANYMORE! On your intimate journey through this world, R-E-A-D what is happening in our collective communities, engaging countries, and internet-connected world... study the Humanitarian Efforts, Development, Human Rights, Peace and Security, and Internation Law behind the most powerful global organization! WE are all accountable for we are all responsible as universal citizens... click on the photo, IT'S YOUR WORLD!

Wednesday, January 10, 2024


Saturday, June 4, 2022

This year exercise the ADKAR MODEL -- Awareness of the need for change, Desire to support the change, Knowledge of how to change, Ability to demonstrate skills and behaviors, Reinforcement to make the change stick.

Sunday, April 5, 2020

             Be Safe. Be Smart. Be Kind. 777

Monday, March 11, 2019

In Between Miracles... trying to make sense of life? Please check out   and see what you can do for a young person or two or three or more... in Jesus name. Amen. Amen. Amen. ~777~